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Top 3 Benefits of Self-storage

lemaster • Sep 02, 2015

You don't have to be a hoarder to realize that sometimes it's necessary to part with some belongings and store them somewhere else. Also, many times people have items that they are not yet willing to throw out, but don't want them cluttering up space while deciding what to do with them. We at Douglas Storage would like to share with you 3 important reasons why trusting your belonging to self-storage is a smart idea.

More Room Where You Live and Work

Especially if you live in an apartment, living space can be a precious commodity. Having personal belongings that you don't ever use, taking up and cluttering already-limited living or working space, is just not necessary. A home or office has a better look and feel when there is plenty of space in which to live and work. Also, unused belongings that are just sitting around a home or office can get damaged more easily than if they were safe and away at a professional storage facility.

The Perfect Size

Unlike the extra areas in your home or workplace, a rental storage space comes in multiple sizes. There's no reason to waste valuable space (unless you want extra storage options for the future), and there's never a reason to jam your belonging into an area that is too small. Rental storage spaces are available in every size to fit your needs. From spacious units for business storage needs to smaller spaces for the apartment dweller, you can find exactly what you need.

Piece of Mind

Not only will your extra personal belongings be virtually free from the kind of damage that can occur in a home or workplace, but they will be safe from theft and vandalism. Multiple security cameras, on-site management, and regular security patrolling will keep your belongings safe and give you peace of mind.

So, don't spend another minute living or working in a small, cluttered space. Take that valuable living or working space back and send those unnecessary belongings to a self-storage in Crystal, MN.

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